Friday, November 30, 2007


I'm not often shocked by what I see. However, this item in a catalogue
of tools for tradesmen did catch me by surprise me. At first I though it might be a gag-gift, but a quick search of the web showed it to be an accessory for hunter/fisher/outdoor people.

Weird/clever idea.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Airstream Caravan

This is the man who designed the DWR Airstream Trailer. In this video he discusses the creative processes that lead to his design for the interior of this iconic caravan.

Thanks Dwell magazine

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Blood Simple


For you it is just a moment
For us it can be a whole life
Once is not enough
Come and give blood

Thanks 2modern

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Working Class Sparrow

Living in San Francisco, I miss seeing sparrows. Never mind that sparrows displace native birds, or that there have been attempts to eradicate them here in America, I miss seeing the scrappy little birds. They're always the underdog in a fight for food, but they're small, maneuverable, and smart, so they often win. There's something admirable about sparrows.

Photo from Wanamassa

Monday, November 26, 2007

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

The phone booths at the factory where I toil are being removed. The booths outside the cafeteria were the most visible and plentiful. Now they're almost all gone. But back in the far corners of the factory, the phones have been removed, but the booths remain in place. And my coworkers have converted them into closets for their street clothes. Brilliant thinking!

Photo by Pixieclipx

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Red Sky at Night, Shepherds Delight

Looking west from our apartment.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I Support Empty Gestures

Good citizens show their patriotism with a "Support the War" ribbon stuck on the back of their cars.

I've been waiting for a ribbon for the rest of us. So far this is the best we've got.
Can't we do better than answer one empty gesture with another empty gesture!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Natural and Unatural Disasters

Enrique Metinides was a Mexico City tabloid photographer from 1949 to 1979. His subjects are the victims of "Bus crashes, train crashes, plane crashes, car crashes ... If it crashed, Enrique Metinides was there with his camera .... Stabbings, shootings, suicides, drownings, fires, freak accidents , natural and unnatural disasters ..... like a crash-course in the diverse ways people get mangled and killed." -Telegraph

"...a beautiful blond-haired woman’s lifeless body lies across a toppled metal pole ... Her dead eyes are open, gazing up past the camera. Blood drips across her cheeks; her limbs are skewed, broken." -artnet

Thanks WeMakeMoneyNotArt

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Should be on Friday

If you're going to chose some arbitrary day of the week for a holiday, then it should be Friday or Monday. Thursday makes no sense at all, since most people will have to work on the Friday!

But here's how it happened to be Thursday:

Colonial Governor Jonathan Belcher's 1749 Thanksgiving Day Proclamation established Thursday, November 23 as a Thanksgiving Day.

George Washington was the first president to declare a Thanksgiving holiday He probably followed Belchers lead, because he chose Thursday November 26 1789.

The actual day that Thanksgiving is celebrated was often different in different states. And it still took a presidential proclamation to organize the nation to celebrate on a particular day.

In 1863, during the Civil War, President Lincoln gave his Thanksgiving Proclamation, declaring the last Thursday in November a day of thanksgiving. Lincoln probably choose Thursday to coincide with Washington's date.

In 1939, 1940, and 1941 Franklin D. Roosevelt, seeking to lengthen the Christmas shopping season, proclaimed Thanksgiving the third Thursday in November. Controversy followed, and Congress passed a joint resolution in 1941 decreeing that Thanksgiving should fall on the fourth Thursday of November, where it remains....

Thanks Belcher Foundation

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ice Skating at Justin Hermin Plaza

NY has ice skating at Rockefeller Plaza. We have ice skating at Justin Herman Plaza.

Categories:San Francisco

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Letter to Beaver

"Leave it to beaver" (1957-1963) is an iconic American television situation comedy about an idealized American family of the 1950s and early 1960s. It stars Barbara Billingsley, Hugh Beaumont, Tony Dow and Jerry Mathers as the Beaver. - Wikipedia

In this episode, the letter Ward is holding can be read in freeze-frame:

From Shorpy via Laughing Squid

Monday, November 19, 2007

Sitting on the Fence

This playground fence has been warped in a very clever way to create places to sit and chat.

By Tejo Remy.

Thanks Dwell

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Jon, Esti and Robot have moved to the Wellington, NZ suburb of Seatoun. Marvelous name!

"... it's a suburb over the hill from where we used to live ... across the road from the beach called Worser Bay."

"Just looking out the window and realised that I'll probably never own 3 cars at the same time again so got a quick shot of them with my cell phone..."

Thanks Jon

Saturday, November 17, 2007

MacWorld Expo San Francisco Speculation

I've been holding off buying a MacBook or iPhone until after the MacWorld Expo in January because I'm guessing Apple will announce a 16 GB iPhone and I'm also expecting a tablet MacBook that might resemble a large iTouch, and it might come ready for 3G wireless broadband (given Apple's ties to ATT, a working 3G wireless connection will have to wait until late 2008).

Macworld Conference & Expo
The Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
Conference: January 14 - 18
Expo: January 15 - 18

The discount code 08-E-SP04 gives you a $45 Exhibit Hall Pass for just $10, if you register here before December 14, 2007.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Rotating Power Sockets

360 Electrical has finally brought their swiveling power outlet to the marketplace in four different colours. It's a great idea for dealing with overlapping power bricks. And it's a simple DIY job to replace the existing outlet. Only costs $10!


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Apartment Therapy Top 10 Lists

If you want to make your apartment a better place to live, then I recommend following the Apartment Therapy NY/LA/SF/Chicago Blogs. Apartment Therapy is where design, comfort, and cost intersect. Think; IKEA meets DWR, and they become good friends.

To get some good ideas, start with their Top 10 List. Mmm mmm good!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


(The US withdrew from the ABM Treaty in 2002)
This proposed Airborne Laser (ABL) Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) system would supposedly destroy nuclear missiles in flight.

TecheBlog has the explanation on how this laser turret equipped jumbo jet would ideally work:

Thanks Gizmodo

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Home Made Charging Station

Made from cheap foam pipe insulation, this is as good as any commercially available charging station.

However, I would suggest using automotive roll bar padding because it comes in various bright colours.

Thanks Unclutterer

Monday, November 12, 2007

Japanese Navy in NY

While he was in NY covering the NY Marathon, photographer Rocky Arroyo took time out to take some pictures for himself.


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Body of Water

"Where I'm from, the sun don't shine
We keep the lights on all the time"

Billy Bragg could have been singing about San Francisco last Wednesday. The fog was very heavy, and I didn't see the sun all day, even though I drove 45 miles around the bay to Fremont.

This was the same day a container ship smacked into the Bay Bridge and spilled 58,000 gallons of oil. The first reports were of no oil spill. Then just 140 gallons. Finally, the ships draft was measured and compared to the draft before the collision. The arithmetic was done, and the true extent of the the spill was known.

Categories:San Francisco

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Wall Cleat

This power outlet cover plate neatly stores the power cord.
Design by Karl Zahn

Thanks TrendsNow

Friday, November 09, 2007

Night Hawks

From WhatISee. This photo was taken at the Edward Hopper exhibit at the National Gallery of Art in Washington.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Hannspree Televisions

The Hannspree showroom on Sutter at Stockton has a unique selection of LCD TV designs. Their designs are a throwback to the 1950's and 60's (they also have sport team themed TVs for those who like that sort of thing).

The beautiful HANNSlounge television seems to have been inspired by the Eames lounge chair.

Categories:Gadgets Design

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Pet Rock by Julie Braucksick

Julie Braucksick takes a river smoothed rock and paints a detailed and accurate 3-D image of a curled up cat. Turn the rock over to see its' belly and paws.

Price varies. This one was $200.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

At Least Die Responsibly

"Cremation - the choice of 70 per cent of Britons - creates pollution. The incineration of bodies with mercury-based tooth fillings has been blamed for creating mercury poisoning, which can attack the nervous system and cause brain damage.

"The ecologically friendly method, which has been invented in Sweden, involves bodies being frozen very quickly then dipped in liquid nitrogen to cool them to minus 196C.

"A simple vibration is then used to shatter the extremely brittle body into powder. This is then placed first in a vacuum chamber, which removes the water, then in a metal separator, which removes toxic metal fillings and surgical parts." -Telegraph

Monday, November 05, 2007

Redesign It

Wait, wait. I've got a new complaint!

I like to listen to people complaining (about poor design). But when I have problems with poor design, I keep it to myself. I bottle up the feeling and put a cork in it.

Not anymore! Now I can document my complaints at The site is just a few weeks old, and they need complaints...

Thanks Apartment Therapy: Home Tech

Sunday, November 04, 2007

1963-1977 Rover P6

It's heartening to see old British cars still used for daily transportation here in California.

This Rover P6 looked original and unrestored. It's in great condition for its' age. Those seats still look as comfortable and supportive as I remember.

But this Federalized Rover has the hideous bonnet scoops, side markers, hubcaps, and Union Jacks. And I'd prefer a manual gearbox.

The legend goes that the P6 was originally designed to be powered by a Rover Turbine engine. But instead it got a 2 litre 4-cylinder engine, followed by a 2.2 litre and the 3.5 litre V8 as used in the Rover P5. The rear suspension was by de Dion axle.

The P6 was a popular British police car (or jam sandwich). The main competition for the P6 was the Triumph 2000 with its straight 6 cylinder engine.


Saturday, November 03, 2007

Friday, November 02, 2007

Paul McCobb Chair

It's easy enough to find an excellent reproduction of a Wenger or Eames chair at Design Within Reach, or Room and Board. But some of those designs have become cliches.

Now here's a chair you won't see every day:

It's the Planner Group Occasional Chair by Paul McCobb. McCobb was a contemporary of George Nelson and he helped introduce Americans to modular furniture. He became a household name in the 1950's, earning himself the nickname "America's Decorator".

The chair is for sale now on CraigsList. Link will expire.

Thanks LostCityArts

Thursday, November 01, 2007


From a print advertisement for the Sony satellite TV channel AXN.

Thanks IBIA