Thursday, February 14, 2008

Motion Sensing LED Lights

Philips SpotOn LED Motion Sensing Portable Light
RiteLite Five LED Auto Sensor Puck Light

We have a hall linen closet that we use to store our excess bathroom products. It's as dark in there as Johnny Cash's closet.

These motion sensing battery LED lights are the solution. And because you don't have to reach for each individual light switch, they can be hidden out of sight.

Thanks ATSF


Anonymous said...

The RiteLite Puck lights are light sensing, not motion sensing. They are meant to be in a dark area, such as a closet or cabinet, so when ambient light is introduced into the area, the light goes on. I was fooled by the "Auto Sensor" myself.

Anonymous said...

Indeed.. I prefer the Philips, since it has an InfraRed detector, which is fantastic. Also then the light stays on... it means change the batteries.. nice such an early warning system